NIF Interior Design

With a broad network of Interior Designers and Professionals, we make sure that our students get a fair idea about the professional world outside. We let them breathe creativity with all the liberty to experiment and deliver the best out of anything.

  • NIF Deccan’s most crucial part of the course is developing and letting the students apply their skills and knowledge in the best way possible. Our certification course is designed to create a strong foundation for our students. This motivates the students to enrol for Degree programs in Interior Design.

    • Fundamentals Of Elements (Basic elements and principles of Design, client profile, Concept development, Colour theory)
    • Visual Communication & Presentation (Basic Sketching & Drafting)
    • Essential Of Materials & Systems (Detailed Knowledge about materials and furnishing used in the interior design & Market Survey for the same.  And Basics of service systems like plumbing, drainage , Ac etc)
    • Interior Construction & Detailing (Brick work, Doors, Windows, staircase, Partition & Panelling)
    • Studio For Residential Space (Planning and Designing of Studio Apartment)
  • Concepts are important and developing them is even more. Our 2 Year Advanced Certification Program helps students to take their skills and knowledge to the next level. With our on-going workshops, students get to understand the concepts much better and hence they start applying themselves holistically. The program is designed as such that would benefit students in interior residential as well as commercial design.

    • Evolution Of Interior Design (World historical monuments and furniture)
    • Studio For Workspace Design (Different types of offices, types of lighting required for office, planning & designing of any one type of office) 
    • Studio For Retail and Store Design (Different types of Retail stores, Designing and planning for the same with case studies)
    • Studio For Café & Restaurant Design (Different types of Restaurant, and bar, designing and planning for the same)
    • Business Of Interior Design (Estimation & Budgeting, Professional practice, tender, contract etc)

Our Super Specialisation program is a stepping stone for the Interior Design gr2 Years Super Specialisation program aduates. It gives an opportunity for them to enhance their knowledge through in depth learning and practicum. Moreover, the Post Graduate program allows them to explore more opportunities in future with the industry insights. Our curriculum focuses on subjects like sustainable design and exhibition design, this helps them get an insight of specialized fields in the stream of Interior Design.

1st Year 

  • Inspiration and Concept Development (How to develop concept, theme & designing of room including furniture, false ceiling etc according to different styles like Rococo, Italian ,gothic etc)
  • Interior Fabrics (Basic Knowledge about all the fabrics used for interior furnishings) 
  • Media and Communication for Interior Design (Basics of Computer, How to market your brand, Social Networking, Cloud Computing)
  • Furniture Design Studio (Detailed knowledge about materials and its processing, model making of any one furniture with the material which has been taught like cane, stone, glass)

2nd  Year  

  • Light and Space Design ( Detailed knowledge of types of light, Design process of lighting, Lux calculations ,Lighting planning for residential and commercial)
  • Sustainability and Interior Design (Knowledge about Eco friendly materials and designing of furniture for the same) 
  • Window Display and Visual Merchandising (Designing and planning of store with front façade and lighting)
  • Studio For Exhibition Design (Principles of Exhibition design, Commercial Exhibition, Museum Exhibition, lighting for Exhibition etc)

A 3 Years Specialisation program is for students who have chosen to build their career in Interior Design after their 10+2. Students in this course gradually move ahead and learn the details of interior design from the best of our faculty and workshops. This ensures that students get ready for Residential and Exhibition design in this 3 year program.

  • Portfolio Development and Presentation (Design Process, Designing of portfolios, web and printed portfolios)
  • Transformable Systems and Spaces (Designing of space saving furniture, Transformable system in kid’s area etc) 
  • Applications Of Vaastu & Feng Shui (You will learn the basic elements of vastu shastra and feng shui and how vastu is different from feng shui?)
  • Future Of Bathrooms & Kitchen (Different types and styles of kitchen and bathroom)
  • Dissertation (Research work and thesis)

Meet Our Mentors

Mr. Manish Malhotra

Mr. Manish Malhotra

Chief Mentor London School of trends

Mrs. Twinkle Khanna

Mrs. Twinkle Khanna

Hip HoChief Mentor NIF Interior Design Expert

Mr. Ashley Rebello

Mr. Ashley Rebello

Chief Mentor NIF Fashion Design

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